Appendix A
1. Purpose
Recommendation 2.2 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012 (“MCCG 2012”) recommends that the Board of Directors should establish a policy formalising its approach to boardroom diversity.
This Board Diversity Policy (the “Policy”) sets out the approach to diversity on the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of ARK Resources Holdings Berhad.
2. Scope
The Board considers that the concept of diversity incorporates a number of different aspects, such as professional experiences, business experiences, skills, knowledge, gender, age, ethnicity and educational background.
3. Policy Statement
- Selection of candidates will be based on a range of diversity perspectives, including but not limited to professional experiences, business experiences, skills, knowledge, gender, age, ethnicity and educational background. The ultimate decision will be based on merit and contribution that the selected candidates will bring to the Board. The Board’s composition (including gender, ethnicity and age) will be disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report annually.
- The Board acknowledges the importance to promote gender diversity, the normal selection criteria based on an effective blend of competencies, skills, extensive experience and knowledge to strengthen the Board should remain a priority. The Company does not set any specific target for female directors in the Gender Diversity Policy but will actively work towards having a female directors on the Board by June 2023 as require under Para 15.02(1)(b) of the main LR.
3.1 Monitoring and reporting
- Pursuant to the Term of Reference of the Nomination Committee, the Nomination Committee is (among other things) responsible for:
- formally assessing the appropriate mix of Diversity, skills, experience and expertise required on the Board and assessing the extent to which the required skills are represented on the Board
- reviewing and reporting to the Board in relation to Board Diversity.
- The Board will ensure that appropriate disclosures are made in the Annual Report regarding Board Diversity.
4. Review of Policy
The Policy will be reviewed by the Nomination Committee from time to time. Any revisions to the Policy as recommended by the Nomination Committee will be submitted to the Board for consideration and approval.