ARK RESOURCES HOLDINGS BERHAD was incorporated on 1 August 2017 under the name of ARK
Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd and was subsequently converted into a public company on 22 August 2017 and
assumed its present name.
ARK RESOURCES HOLDINGS BERHAD’s principal activities are those of investment holding and provision of
management services. It was set up mainly for the purpose of replacing ARK Resources Berhad as the ultimate
holding company of ARK Group. Following the completion of internal reorganisation of ARK Group in 2018, ARK
RESOURCES HOLDINGS BERHAD assumed the listing status of ARK Resources Berhad and became the
holding company of ARK Group.
ARK Group was established in 1983 as a specialist in soil improvement and geo-technical engineering works and subsequently diversified into providing a full range of engineering and construction services as well as property development. Presently, ARK Group is principally involved in the following business operations: